Job Openings
Alma UMC is looking for a qualified candidate for the position of Children's Ministry Director. This person is responsible for coordinating the ministries that focus on the spiritual growth and development of children from birth to fifth grade. The position includes selecting curriculum, volunteer recruitment, and special event planning. This is a part time position and does require some weekend work. The position pays $6500-$7500 per year depending on experience and qualifications. If interested, please email resume and a letter of interest with contact information including two (2) references to Office Administrator at
Children’s Ministry Description of Duties Alma UMC
A. Oversee the children’s ministry of Alma UMC by planning, organizing, and leading ministry activities.
B. To support the vision and mission of the Church by focusing its ministry to children on developing the children’s personal relationship with God through education, fellowship, worship, service and social activities.
A. Recruit, train, schedule, and support teachers of pre-school through 5th grade Sunday School/Children’s Church.
B. Choose and prepare curriculum for pre-school through 5th grade students that is consistent with the Church’s Wesleyan theological commitments .
C. Establish quarterly and yearly goals for children’s ministry.
D. Serve one Sunday per month in Sunday School/Children’s Church.
E. Coordinate a yearly VBS for children during the summer.
F. Work with the Pastor and Council to create family and/or children’s outreach opportunities on a quarterly basis.
G. Manage administrative responsibilities such as budgets, record keeping, class scheduling, reports for Church Conference, and others as assigned.
H. Attend monthly Church Council meetings, and meet monthly with the Pastor to coordinate curriculum, programming, and activities.
I. Follow up with visitors and inactive children/families